Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Summer's 'proachin', Think I'll relax a bit!

Hello readers!  Been quite some time since I entered a new snippet of info.  Lots of things going on in our doggy-lives.... my neices, Salsa and Cha Cha have grown up into fine young lady-dogs (mini-bitches) and are sharing our space here at the farm.  There's a small pic of them on the right hand sidebar of this blog page.  Me, my sister and Aria are business as usual, sleeping, eating, playing and so on, regular dog stuff.  There are some other new things around, more of those two legged puppies, and even a new Cat in the family (how disgusting).  Lately, it is getting harder to hang out in the yard, as the black-flies are here in force, not my favorite thing!

I will try to update the blog a little more often, but it is hard with no thumbs!

Peace - Dodger!

Here's that darn Cat - his name is Whiskers ... he lives with our great-grandma, not here!

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